Oct 14, 2020

No doubt about it, when you’re in the market for a new ride, the choices can be a bit overwhelming. Picking the right type of car can make all the difference in your daily life, so spend a little time considering what will be the best “fit” for you. Two popular options among smaller cars are the hatchback and sedan models; how do they stack up? Peruzzi Mitsubishi in Fairless Hills, PA is here to break it down for you.

Hatchbacks are just that: a car where the trunk (or “hatch”) swings open to reveal open cargo space in the rear. The design generally allows for more storage area. Additionally, the rear seats in a hatchback typically fold down, increasing storage options even more. For example, the Mitsubishi Mirage hatchback edition offers 17.5 cubic feet of storage space without the seats down; folded down, you get an astonishing 47 cubic feet for all your stuff. Of course, one downside to this is that unlike the standard trunk you’ll find in a sedan, your cargo is “loose.” This might be an issue if you don’t appreciate the sound of things rattling around – or worse, something flying in your direction during a sudden stop.

Now to the sedan version of a smaller car. Unlike the hatchback, you can expect a bit more comfort and legroom. You can also expect more “privacy” when it comes to your stuff. The design of the hatchback allows people to see inside your vehicle (although you can install a screen to keep prying eyes at bay); sedans, like Peruzzi Mitsubishi’s Mirage G4, are a bit more secure in that regard.

While Mitsubishi models are all built for safety, the hatchback editions have a slight advantage. Because of their open rear design, there’s some added visibility through that back window that you won’t get in a sedan.

Of course, if we’re being totally honest, we have a hard time deciding which of the sedan and hatchback models available at Peruzzi Mitsubishi in Fairless Hills, PA is our favorite. So, if you’re still debating, come on by our (safe and sanitized) showroom to check them out for yourself and see what works best for your lifestyle!